Saturday, February 22, 2020

Participant Observation (Business Research Method) Essay

Participant Observation (Business Research Method) - Essay Example 2006, p. 342). Participant observer is basically carrying out a naturalistic approach to conducting research and it seems to be a commitment that attempts to adopt the perspectives of studies shared in the day to day experiences. Participant observation has been described as an ongoing and intensive observing, listening and speaking with some explanations (Ely, 1991, p. 42). Many researchers use participant observation as an umbrella term for all qualitative data gathering and data handling. Participant observation includes going out or staying out in search for qualitative data gathering, and thus the observer may learn a new language in order to express the experiences about the lives of people that the researcher comes to know. With this type of research approach, the researcher is prompted to be immersing himself in a specific culture and also learning how he can get rid of the same immersion so that he will be able to intellectualize what he has seen and heard. He will express them in writing, speaking to others and will try to convince others (Bernard, p. 2006, p. 344). Participant observation is therefore more likely to be a fieldwork, but all fieldworks are in contrary not participant observation. ... sanctioned and socially approved answers for a survey research to provide socially desirable responses to describe oneself in terms judged as desirable and to present one-self favorably (Craighead and Nemeroff, 2002, p. 1557). Social desirability affects the accuracy of data to be gathered. It is mainly influenced by the way questions are prepared or asked. Many of survey research questions are more likely to create chances of social desirability so that respondents answer questions in a pre-made answer formats. Engel and Schutt (2005, p. 234) stressed that social desirability effects are more likely to occur when discussing issues that are of controversial in nature or when researcher expresses a view that is not popular or not widely accepted. When survey researcher or interviewer asks the participants with certain ready-made questions, especially when the questions have highly desirable answers, respondents feel conflicts between a desire to conform to the definition of good respo ndent behaviour and a desire to respond and appear to the interviewer to be in a socially desirable category. In surveys with pre-made multiple choice questions, social desirability is more likely to occur among the respondents. Operational Definition An operational definition, in the context of data collection and research, is an obvious, brief, complete and careful description of a measure. Social scientist uses operational definition as a measure to explain various conceptual terms (Sprague, Stuart and Bodary, 2008, p. 205). As different types of data were gathered, operational definition is very fundamental. The operational definition is a significant one in a situation at which the decision is to be taken about something regarding whether it is correct or not, or something having the

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ethics in Leadership Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics in Leadership - Coursework Example Therefore, in order for leaders to avoid being perceived as toxic leaders they should act ethically both in personal life and in their relationship with others. They should engage their followers in decision making and respect their opinion. The leaders should relate well with others and avoid hurting others intentionally and unfairly (Hoyt & McGoldrick, 2012). In addition, leaders should help their followers to achieve their career objectives alongside the organizational goals. Therefore, ethical leaders should share their powers with their followers and appreciate their contributions towards the organizational goals. Credo memo refer to a â€Å"set of ethical principles† that guides the workers in an organization. It is a mission statement of the organization that defines what the organization aims to achieve (Hoyt & McGoldrick, 2012). Credo memo gives the workers an insight of what need to done at any particular time to achieve the target. It assists the leaders to inspire the organizations members and provide new opportunities by utilizing business resources efficiently. Therefore, leaders should involve the workers in decision making and recognize individual contribution in the organization in order to promote performance of the organization (Knapp, 2007). Leaders should share responsibilities with their juniors in order to promote creativity and accountability of all employees to achieve common goal. Forgiveness is a deliberate and planned process by which the offended person undergoes a change in attitude concerning the offense (Tipping, 2010). It is a virtue especially observed by most religious followers, and its benefits have also been emphasized by medical experts. Sometimes it is necessary for the offender to ask for forgiveness or admit their mistake in order to acquire forgiveness from the offended (Grace, 2012). Forgiveness promotes peace among the people, and ends